This morning my collab group had our first video call discussion to begin planning out our project. The roles in my group are as follows:
3D Animators– Kamil Fauzi, Emma Copeland
Sound Design– Ben Harrison, Callum Spence
VFX– Gherardo Varani, Antoni Floritt
Antoni was unable to make this meeting today as he was traveling back to London, but Gherardo and he will be meeting later to catch up on everything, and we plan to video call again on Monday all together to check in once more. Today we began discussing our work for this week as well as everyone’s initial ideas going into the project. Our sound designers had already begun planning with each other some ideas for soundtrack and effects, and we’d been sharing some files with each other over the past few days suggesting some different textures, simulations, and objects.
For example, on Monday I had found this cave that could be used:

Antoni shared with us a solar system simulation that I’m very excited to see in action:

-and Kamil shared with us some very useful sets and objects that he’d used in the past in different programs and was converting to be used in Maya for our project.

I’m feeling extremely confident in my project, as all of my teammates are very talented, motivated, and bring a lot to our group. We also are having a very easy time communicating so far, which I believe is going to be essential to our project getting off the ground.
During the call we decided that the first thing to do would be create a storyboard. This way we can plan for the timing of the film and give the sound designers a more solid idea of what they’re working with. I will begin working on the storyboard for Act I, and Kamil will begin working on Act II.

We will be continuously uploading our work to the Discord server to check in with the group, and once the storyboard is done the plan is to start building our Maya scenes, with a different scene for each shot. Ideally, we’ll be able to get moving on that starting Monday after our next call.