Edit: changing the “chef shot” to one of cowboys with horses due to assets I already have available vs ones I’d have to purchase.
My original FMP concept was as follows:
4-6 tracked shots with incorporated CGI Elements that range from hyper-realistic, theoretically blending with the film so as not to be noticed, to hyper-cartoonish, intending a surreal product. Then I will question animators as well as viewers completely outside any artistic field on their takeaway as far as which is more serious / “professional” work, which is more adult-oriented etc
I’ve somewhat narrowed this down into a more concrete idea, at least for half of it. I call this plan “the chef shot”. In the chef shot, I’ll animate a hyper-realistic chef preparing food behind tracked kitchen footage, as realistically possible, and then animate a cartoon chef preparing food in a silly, entertaining way. The questions associated with these will be as follows:
What do you think is the audience demographic (age range) for each?
Which one do you think is more professional?
Which one is more entertaining?
Which is serious work?
Which could you see in a film?
etc etc etc

The chef shot will be its own project constituting either 1/2 or 1/3 of the total. There will be another tracked shot, which I’m tentatively calling the helicopter/horse shot, involving a horse or vehicle, hyper-realistic only, one in a normal setting, intended to blend in as much as possible, and one in a strange or entertaining setting. The questions involved with this project will aim to determine whether the perception of a hyper-realistic shot varies at all based on the silliness of the actual animation. Is it the art style or is it the animation itself, basically.
And then going off of this I should do a shot with a cartoon element that seeks to identify whether the artstyle vs animation changes for that too. Possibly. I’m most sold on the chef shot so far.