Individual Project Technical Difficulties to be Addressed

After my discussion with Dom last week regarding my next steps in my individual project, I was prepared to construct geo for the scene and scale it accordingly to my rig in order to move ahead before animating. I’d even had a discussion with Luke on the rig I wanted to use, and how to load up the Shave and a Haircut plugin for it.

Unfortunately, I’ve hit a roadblock on this project before I could even begin creating geo; the image plane simply refuses to work correctly no matter how many ways I try to fix the problem. I’ve tried deleting it from the hypershade and reloading it, as well as running Warp4 again in order to make sure nothing was wrong with the EXR files themselves, and I’ve made sure every time that “use as image sequence” is checked.

I will discuss this problem with Dom tonight and make a new post regarding the solution. It is unfortunate that this setback has cost me a lot of time I could spend working.

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