Advanced Unit: Performance Animation Blocking


My blocking pass didn’t take very long to get done, but there’s a lot of work that needs to go into it over the next few weeks for the polish.

Some things I’d like to work on are the way that the female character interacts with the space- this obviously includes fixing any collisions of the geo through the planes I’ve set up, but in addition, I’d also like to really get in there and make the weight more believable as she leans against that back wall. I also need to work on the timing of each pose, and allow both characters longer pauses while the other one is talking. In particular, the female character’s movement needs a lot of polishing if it’s going to look natural. Strangely, the robot is much more fluid already.

Something that I do like is the stylistic characterization that I’ve got going for each character. Both of them really exude personality despite the fact that the performance is so short. I will say that using Maya has definitely gotten exponentially easier for me over time, and I didn’t run into any snags or confusion setting up my poses or jumping into the graph editor.

I’m very excited to get started working on this, and I’m already coming up with set ideas. I anticipate it being extremely fun, and I’m super motivated to get to work!

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