Performance Animation: Acting Feedback

I was told that the character I was playing on the left was okay, but I could even restrict the motion a little more and remember to think pose-to-pose. I should make sure to brush the hair back first and then say the line, keeping in mind pose staging. I may extend the audio a bit in the beginning to do this.

As for the character on the right, I got a few critiques; I was told that he should take shorter strides into the frame and turn around with less of a jolt. The arms don’t need to wave so much. When he says “The University of the United States”, perhaps that can just be a brandished pointer finger, not one large sweeping movement. He can also stay in place more between poses. A good idea, too, is that he maybe looks at the camera when coming up with his lies, breaks the fourth wall a little bit, rather than making eye contact with her. This also contributes to the sense that he is lying.

One more thing is to make sure that the characters don’t physically pass in front of one another, as it confuses the silhouette.

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