Dom Session 1: Basic Tracking in 3DE

I started off Dom’s session with a hot cup of coffee, a breakfast sandwich ready to go, sunlight streaming in, and my brain turned on.

The first half of the day, I followed along decently well. 3D Equalizer was big and scary, but I followed Dom’s instructions to a T and made my way through this new jungle. I was using the PLE software that I had downloaded and installed on my own Mac and had set up over the previous few days. I felt pretty happy with my ability to place and track points, and was optimistic about the whole thing, all the way up until my return from lunch.

Why was my deviation curve so incorrect? I asked Dom and he informed me that I should hide some of the points that were causing the problem, but when I did this, my deviation curved collapsed into an almost entirely straight line- one spike stayed at the beginning and the rest just hit zero. This couldn’t be right. That would mean that it’s not tracking at all. I tried again, and even started over from my last saved file, but ultimately could not figure it out and fell so far behind that I was unable to return to the lecture.

This was extremely discouraging for me. On top of that, the lecture had no audio or (for the first part) visible cursor, which made it very hard to follow. Thankfully, one of my classmates introduced me to a very helpful number of videos which explained most of the very basic tools we went over in a clear, concise series. The first one is embedded below:

Using this as well as the original lecture I was able to start over with the Camden lock footage and make my way through the beginner guidance Dom had gone over.

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