FMP Compilation

This video compiles the work that I created for my FMP into one video. For further context in how these contrasting stylized videos were used for data collection in regards to my thesis findings, here is the link to the survey [note: data collection and analysis have already been concluded, any responses will not be counted in the study.]

*also note that Video A in the Cowboy Walk Cycle series was shortened to nearly a third of its original length for the purposes of the study, though the full version is included here.

Thesis: Best of Cut-For-Time Content [2: History of Animation and its Potential Effects on Contemporary Audiences by Age Group ]


            For the purposes of this paper, the “older audience” will refer not only to the baby boomer generation (birth years: 1946-1964) but broadly to the generation born before 1971, due to the landscape of animation’s steady predictability until landmarks in the animation industry emerged after that time and thus changed public opinion drastically; specifically, the lifting of the Hays Code in 1968 (Lawrence, 2020), which allowed for the introduction of adult themes in animated media, as well as the demand for 24-hour television content in the beginning of the 1980s (Marques, 2021). Therefore, the elder viewership in this case refers to audience members over the age of 50 years old.

            Famously, animation owes its roots to features intended for audiences of all ages, with adult themes explored and satirized in the early days of Betty Boop and Felix the Cat (Lawrence, 2020). As Walt Disney gained domination of the industry in one long, methodical monopoly, television was also gaining ground on the forefront of daily entertainment, and as the world became smaller, religion began slipping from its hold on society, and people grew more and more curious about the shifting culture around them, so the aforementioned Hays Code was instituted to dictate what constituted morally correct content permissible to broadcast into the homes of millions. Consequentially, as animation gained prominence, it also found itself stunted by a strict set of regulations, and cartoons were reshaped to utilize unwaveringly family-friendly humor, with pre-existing characters and concepts forced to undergo a rapid reformation. This was the first contributing factor to the older audience’s perception of animation as solely a form of children’s entertainment.

            The nail in the coffin was Hanna-Barbera. Before William Hanna and Joseph Barbera arrived on the scene, the animation industry was dying; a budget simply didn’t exist for such an expensive and time-consuming art form (Coleman, 2017), and the entertainment industry is a business just like any other, so regardless of public opinion on the resulting production quality of barebones budget cuts, their success speaks for itself. Their technique of limited animation involved creating shorts with fewer frames per second, running the same cel repeatedly while animating only certain components (for example, the head turning, mouth moving, and eyes blinking), and looping a previously completed animation repeatedly. Subtle consequences took form in recognizable threads poking from the seams of this cheaply stitched shamble, such as a collar, necktie, or beard placed on all characters to prevent the audience from noticing a head separated onto its own cel to turn independently from a character’s body. As disparaged as Hanna-Barbera is among the community of animators and artists, once again, financial figures always speak for themselves, and Hanna-Barbera was awarded seven Academy Awards and reached a net worth of $300 million U.S.D. at its peak performance.

            Nonetheless, cheap animation cemented the idea that cartoons were poor quality, churned out only as mindless drivel to fill the Saturday morning slot as an easy cash grab. To this day, many adults over the age of 50 continue to view animation as a medium that exists only in this capacity, and thus are an easy group to accidentally drive away when utilizing animation in media directed towards a broad demographic. Mowe Studios, a motion graphics studio of Hallendale Beach, Florida, advises in their article, How to Market to Different Generations with Animation,that “Baby boomers are naturally more inclined to think of animation as children’s entertainment…. Overall, they prefer things that look simpler and natural. They aren’t so inclined to represent human characters with unusual colors or limb proportions, like longer legs or tiny heads. And if your story has a character that isn’t human, be aware that adding life to an object can look childish for them, depending on how it looks, acts, and moves.” (Marques, 2021)

            Therefore, the eldest audience of an animated feature is arguably the most important to research when considering the artistic style employed in one’s work. Unless intent on focusing solely on a separate demographic due to absolute certainty that lack of viewership in the older generation will be compensated for by another, it is crucial, if one is indeed planning to release media that is intended to appeal to a wide audience, to ensure that this group does not consider one’s work to be unprofessional and immature.


            Though Steven King’s name hasn’t budged from its lofty throne as legendary master of horror novelists, Michael Crichton may not forever be remembered as the 1980’s icon of the science fiction thriller genre. Playing on the technology explosion and scientific advancements in the field of medicine, RNA splicing, and artificial intelligence that made his contemporaries so uneasy, Crichton approached his stories with a Mary Shelley approach: What if we took it too far?

            Within the world of Crichton’s wildly successful work arose films that necessitated the most realistic and heart-stopping of visual effects. The audience needed to feel the abject terror of the characters as a twenty-foot-tall Tyrannosaurus Rex bites a Ford Explorer in half with one crush of its mighty jaws, the uncanny glare of unstoppable, heartless robots bearing the faces of trusted human companions. True to his inspiration, not a dollar was spared on the latest in cutting-edge technology to instill fear in the hearts of his fans, and, in 1976, with Westworld came the first 3D computer-generated imagery in film. As the entertainment industry raced to catch up, Crichton broke barriers again with Jurassic Park, in which four minutes in total of pure dinosaur-inflicted peril are completely computer generated (Semlyen, 2010).

            Though both films were created for an adult demographic, the first full-length computer-generated film, Toy Story, was decidedly for children, though it continues to appeal to all audiences to this day. Toy Story in itself was a remarkable feat, as half of its crew, a meager 27 animators, had never even used a computer before (Semlyen, 2010). Yet, remarkably, it pulled in a box office smash of $373 million, a number which tripled as Pixar continued to release sequels to the saga (Nash Information Services, LLC, n.d.). Immediate was the boom in 3D computer animated films marketed towards children, with traditional hand-drawn work now considered massively passé by audiences, while other studios battled to replicate Pixar’s financial success.

            Simultaneously, an interesting new phenomenon was blossoming in forefront of the animation industry. The Simpsons had begun to sink its hooks into mainstream culture as the first successful adult animated series. Funny, edgy, and clever, Matt Groening promised a whole new dawn of storytelling for animators and artists, but unfortunately, somewhat of a failure to launch instead took place. Studios placed utmost importance, as always, on consideration of guaranteed financial success rather than pushing forward new- and risky- ideas, and for well over a decade, the only television programs that reached the popularity of The Simpsons only pounded the same concepts into the dirt, to greater and greater extents, searching for a breaking point: a barrage of sitcoms revolving around the American nuclear family, all 2D animated, all with the same round-eyed style, all featuring shocking, offensive, raunchy and violent humor (Aitchison, 2019). This coincides with a revolution in censorship, particularly, a sharp increase in the acceptance of profanity and vulgarity in media, with a study conducted by San Diego State University finding the prevalence of swearwords to be 28 times more likely to appear in books published since the mid-1950s (Flood, 2017). Simultaneously, adult themes have quickly become more openly addressed in televised media, though strong variation in censorship of this exists across Western countries, for example, European countries often permit nudity more frequently whilst the USA is more lenient with graphic violence (UKEssays, 2017) (Head, 2019).

            While children’s animation embraced 3D animation in both film and television, exploring a diverse portfolio of genres, styles, and characters, adult cinematic animation stagnated in 2D television programming only, with 3D animation only flourishing for adult audiences in the video gaming industry. For this reason, somewhat of a disparity exists in the way millennials, or the “middle audience”, views animation. Many millennial viewers choose to welcome children’s animated films for their own entertainment, accepting the somewhat simplified plotlines in order to enjoy the bold ideas and artistic opportunities, found only rarely in the often lifeless mold of adult animation. Simultaneously, a similarly significant number of adult audiences continue to only view overly violent or raunchy animated work as fit to consume, carrying the same prejudice as the older audiences- the concept that all animated work is inherently juvenile, and requiring that it break boundaries into shock-value territory to prove itself.

            This generation is the trickiest and most interesting to study in their response to animated content as a form of entertainment, due to opinion being so divided. Much of it may be influenced by whether this person is willing to consume children’s entertainment, such as contemporary releases of new Disney movies, in which case the theory may be posited that they would hypothetically enjoy a more cartoonish style of animation, or whether this person enjoys video games, in which case it is possible that the viewer may prefer a more realistic style of animation. It is this exact matter that shall be further discussed in the personal investigation conducted for this report, delving into what components of 3D animation interest or disinterest the “middle audience”, as well as whether there exists a trend in whether these viewers consider animation style, particularly cartoonish or realistic animation, as a factor in whether they assess the medium to be more or less juvenile.


            Gen Z is commonly mocked for their purported social media dependence and short attention span, but with the popularity of video streaming platforms like TikTok converging with the normalization of video game culture, visual artists find a platform for their work to flourish. Young animators have found a place in TikTok culture, with some amassing up to five million followers, and some even claiming that being active on the app has taught them more about animation than art school ever could (Kastrenakes, 2020).

            This could perhaps be traced back to the popularity of CGI integration in live-action videos taking hold in the dawn of Snapchat, and the rise of looping animated filters, or even to the hold that anime, the art of Japanese animation, has finally taken upon the Western public. Once a genre considered nerdy and niche, a huge cultural shift has occurred within the last decade or so, and in recent market research conducted by anime streaming site Crunchyroll, it was discovered that only 6% of Gen Z participants never heard of anime, compared to 27% of the general population (Morrissey & May, 2021). While this paper will focus only on Western animation, due to the vast differences in historical and cultural context relating to Eastern animation, it is essential to note that the acceptance of anime as a widespread source of entertainment among Gen-Zers may easily have led to the current upswing of interest in animation and new, different, and artistically-driven animation in young adults.

            Gen Z is a platform that is, without a doubt, the most accepting of animation of all the adult audiences. One difference to note, according to Mowe Studio, is that “Millennials are more inclined to cleaner, ‘pixel-perfect’ aesthetics, while Gen Z prefers more rough, organic, and natural styles.” This description lends itself best to 2D animation, but the question remains as to whether it holds true for 3D as well, because, currently, there is a noticeable, gaping lack of 3D-animated films and television shows created for an adult audience, presumably because, between the younger and middle audiences, studios aren’t sure what adults will respond best to, and thus are not willing to take a financial risk.

            While children, as always, prefer stories that they can relate to, with characters that act like children, bright colors, and engaging, interactive themes (McPherson, 2020), there is little surprise in the fact that they still, as much as ever, prefer animation to live-action, and tried-and-true methods of marketing to developing minds hold as fast as ever. For this reason, 3D animation has almost exclusively been explored with its youngest audience in mind, and, despite one or two exceptions, the industry has held back, timid, from roaming into the territory of young adults, eagerly awaiting animated work made with them, for once, in mind.

Addendum: After reviewing this segment, feedback was given to change the emotive tone and downplay objective, opinionated, baseless statements. Much of this was changed, before ultimately being cut for time anyway. This is the original version.

Thesis: Best of Cut-For-Time Content [1: Discussion of Gender Norms in Adult Animated Media]

Cut from Page 17

Whilst drawing comparison between Lee and Marek, one may again be reminded of Lee’s insinuation that lowbrow humor and crude artistic style exists mainly due to continually male-targeted content. Marek, a female viewer, seems to be drawn most to programs which revolve around an emotionally-driven narrative, a phenomenon which has been well documented as a preference among female moviegoers (BFI Research and Statistics, 2015), citing Bojack Horseman and Rick and Morty as her favorites. A 2021 study found that in an audience of 20,162,180 Rick and Morty viewers, men accounted for an audience of 73.1%, while women accounted for only 26.9% (AdTargeting, 2021). Comparatively, in the case of Bojack Horseman, 40.3% of the audience is female, while 59.7% are male (StarnGage, n.d.). It may be noted that Bojack Horseman features a multifaceted female deuteragonist, who struggles onscreen with contemporary issues related to gendered politics. Historically, adult animated shows such as Family Guy set women on the back burner, incorporated only to fill the category of “love interest” or “annoying wife”. In addition to the easy conclusion that women are more likely to enjoy content which features other women in a positive light, one may also note that the inclusion of poignant and interpersonal themes in work, without necessarily sacrificing that which has proven successful among male audiences, may open up the gap in gendered audiences of adult animation.

Addendum: Results from the survey are inconclusive as to these remarks, written months before data analysis. As mentioned, this survey focuses on age, rather than gender, and more specific research would be required to draw conclusions in regards to this. That being said, in the video pair in which both characters were female, audience members seemed to have the strongest opinions, citing negative feelings towards one or the other. In the video pair in which one character was female and one was male, audience members preferred the video with a male character.

The purpose of this study was to analyze preference of realism or cartoon stylization with respect to age. Conclusions drawn about how gender of characters and viewers may play into this should, for now, be regarded as coincidential.

Thesis: Survey Data Charts

My original hypothesis had been that younger adults would be more open-minded to a more cartoonish style and that older audiences would strictly prefer realism in animation. This data shows somewhat different results than what I was expecting, but, excitingly, there is a definite, strong trend depicted here.

The biggest takeaway from this data is that almost all adults prefer realism in animation. Many of the responses I received from the survey indicated that people seemed to think cartoonish animation was annoying, or, as one respondent put it, “goofy”, while realistic animation was more impressive.

Though it’s impossible to say for certain without conducting an even more extensive survey, my theory is that non-animators believe realistic animation requires more talent or is simply more accomplished. There were even some responses that seemed to be attempting to insult me and my own animation skill through phrases like “the female sheriff’s walk was stupid”, thus implying that they believed her over-the-top, ridiculous movement to be unintentional, and that animation in that style indicates a lack of intelligence or skill. It was these kind of responses that helped me the most, as they demonstrated a clear preference towards one or the other without the respondent seeming to understand the implication in their responses (and therefore not skewing the data).

The phone conversation (Dana and Clara) videos were EXTREMELY controversial. I believe this is because very little changes between the two other than the actual animation itself, as both are simply acting out the same dialogue, and it requires the survey takers to think more clearly about the reasoning behind their choice.

What I mean by controversial is this: about half of the responses indicated that Clara was “too realistic” and that made her “creepy”, while about half of the other responses indicated that Dana was “too exaggerated” and that rubbery, silly motion made her creepy. However, in the end, Clara won out yet again, though by less than the realistic videos had other times.

Cartoon is A (Dana), Realistic is B (Clara).

Compare this chart to the others.

Realistic (A) vs Cartoon (B) in the Cowboy Walk Cycle Pair
Realistic (A) vs Cartoon (B) in the Martial Arts Pair

Note that in the Cowboy Walk Cycle pair, the contrast between the two styles may have been the sharpest of all, as the realistic version implied dark, serious lighting (which more than half of the responses praised) and a slow, steady walk, while the cartoon one was intentionally very goofy, with floppy, bouncy clothing.

Let’s discuss the findings.

Again, the easiest takeaway here is that adults in general prefer realistic animation. The most surprising turn in the data, however, is that while Gen Z show a strong preference, and Millennials show an even stronger preference, those over the age of 50 seem to have no preference at all.

I’ve got to say, that result did blow my mind a little. It was exactly the opposite of what I expected for that age category.

There are two possible explanations for this outcome.

  1. The sample size is too small. Adults over the age of 50 accounted for only 10% of my respondents. Therefore, it could be impossible to determine a real trend, and I’ll have to mention in my paper that this data is inadequate. That being said, I do believe that with SUCH a strong trend in favor of realism for both Gen Z and Millennials, where almost 3/4 respondents preferred realism, it is still somewhat surprising even with a small sample size that there wouldn’t be a trend shown for the older age group.
  2. Older adults really have no preference. I’m not sure if I can include this as an “interview” in my thesis, as it’s too personal, but when my father asked me about my findings, he was surprised to hear the results skewed towards realism. He told me that he (a 57 year old) likes to be entertained when he watches animated content and he always found the cartoonish videos the funniest.
    • If this is true for other older adults I have a couple of theories as to why, though they would have to be investigated in an entirely separate study. Perhaps much of my discussion will involve the ways that this can be further researched. My theories are as follows:
      1. Older adults did not grow up with 3D animation, while people under the age of 30 did. To adult viewers my age, Toy Story and the like were a baby movies, and we graduated from that kind of animation to “more mature” media (in the eyes of other younger adults). Because older adults were already in their 30s or so when this technology came around, it never seemed juvenile to them, because they don’t associate it with a younger stage of their lives.
      2. Older adults may have been raising children (us, me) at the time this technology developed. Therefore, they consumed a lot of it with their kids as a family and grew to develop an appreciation for it totally unmarred by association with developmental stages in their own lives.

Anyway. Lots of food for thought. I will be figuring out how to incorporate all these floating theories into my thesis today.

Thesis Feedback I

After my discussion with Nigel, I felt much more confident in the current state of my thesis. The ability to get a second pair of eyes on the work and be able to hear from my assessor which areas need a bit of improving is absolutely vital in providing me with the best preparation for submission as well as allowing me to step outside of my own mind and see what makes sense and what doesn’t.

The day before my session with Nigel, I’d closed the opinion survey I was using to collect the data I needed to finish my findings and conclusion, though I hadn’t looked at the results yet. Speaking to Nigel beforehand helped me get a better idea of the direction I want to take my data analysis in.

His biggest overall criticism was that the choice of language I was using was rather emotive and gave an inappropriately opinionated tone. I expected this evaluation to some degree, as I write very quickly and tend to pour too much of my own mind into my words.

My next step is to incorporate the charts I’ve made regarding my data into my methodology, findings, discussion, and conclusion; then revise the full thesis to edit for length and remove subjective phrasing.

Kachujin Fight Scene: Final Render

I’m more than happy with this shot, I may even use it as the first shot on my showreel. It took me ages to build the set and I’m very proud of it. I have to say that my FMP shots have only gotten better as I’ve gone on- the cowboy shot took me four weeks and looked awful before I revised it, and this one took me about five days and I love it. I feel as if every new shot I create is my new favorite.

For the purposes of my thesis, I think it works well; the ending adds a little lighthearted factor that mirrors the ending of the cartoon version (the tiger shot). I also intentionally gave it a sort of video game style aesthetic, with Street Fighter in mind, which will allow me to further test whether adults favor a video game style in animated, realistic content, or whether it must remind them of such to not be considered juvenile.

When building the set, I also wanted to stick to that Street Fighter environment as much as possible; if it looked too much like real-life Tokyo or Hong Kong that would open the door for critique on consistency to the setting and time period. For this reason I did not use the background plate at all, but kept in the original camera track. However, I did add my own animation to the camera on top of that to fully showcase my animation. As a result, this shot incorporates my motion tracking abilities the least out of any of the shots I’ve created. For the purposes of my FMP, however, this isn’t necessary, as my focus and data collection for this project rests more on the animation styles (realistic vs cartoon) than the motion tracking.

I am now finished with the animation for my FMP. Before I decide it’s done-done, though, I want to fix the shadowmatte a little bit on the Dana shot. Perhaps I’ll revisit some of the others, too. I’ve been tweaking them as I’ve been going and they’re in good shape at least.

Final Shot- Kachujin Fight Scene: Setup

Unexpectedly, it took me quite a long time just to settle on the characters I wanted to use for my final shot. I knew that it had to be a fight scene, because the tiger shot, its cartoon counterpart, revolves around martial arts. I decided it should probably be a real fight this time rather than one person practicing or using a punching bag, to maintain interest and add differentiation. I chose the following reference:

Now, the only issue with this reference is that the men are clearly trying carefully not to hurt one another, and therefore are moving with no real force. This is okay, I have faith in my ability to incorporate that, and the slow movement gives me a clearer reference to study from. I decided that the fighter who flips the other one should be painted as the “protagonist”, and set to work casting characters.

Kachujin was an easy choice, she fits the theme and looks realistic while still being outfitted in sort of a fighter-esque costume. But from there, I hit a bit of a wall. Though I had four choices, I was hesitant in picking any of them, deeply considering audience bias and how certain rigs may affect my data in opinion polls.

I didn’t prefer the first samurai, as I assumed that the heavy armor may take away from the animation work itself and prevent me from being able to show off the work that went into it, and unfortunately, the rig for the fourth samurai did not work very well.

The second samurai would be perfect, except for the fact that he’s portraying a villain, and I’m hesitant to cast this character as such due to race-related biases and discomfort that the audience may feel while watching such a clip. Anything that may skew my data due to sociological factors couldn’t be used as trustworthy material.

Which brings us to the real issue I struggled over. I really preferred to cast Eva as the antagonist here, but had to accept, to my dismay, that I simply couldn’t without sacrificing the solidity of my study.

I wanted to use Eva because her costume fits the theme while staying cyberpunk-y, sort of a Street Fighter vibe, thus setting the shot apart from expectations of having to stay culturally and historically accurate. Eva as a rig would be amazing to use, with lots of controls in the hair and every accessory on her body, as opposed to the unmovable accessories and hair on both Kachujin and all the samurai. I wanted so badly to have Eva’s long braid whip around during the fight. Unfortunately, she is simply too sexualized to use for the purposes of this project. For one, I plan to collect data from a broad age range, and her outfit is simply not suitable for children. In the same vein, I fear that this character may sway audience opinion in favor of this shot for reasons other than the animation itself, especially as the fight would involve two women.

I considered for a while using her anyway and using this as an intentional factor in whether adults require animation to appeal to their sensibilities to be considered less juvenile, but it felt like the kind of thing that would require a whole separate, vast study. Perhaps related to what Mariana is studying, which I believe centers around whether audiences of animated films require their female characters to be feminine and conventionally beautiful. It’s an interesting subject worth further consideration.

That left me with Samurai Three.

I came very close to using Samurai Three, but ultimately decided that he, too, must be rejected for the same reasons as Eva: an adult audience may view a woman wrestling a shirtless man from a different lens than they would a faceless, heavily armored guard.

And so it was with much deliberation that I settled back on Samurai One. The good thing about him is that he’s got clear “bad guy” vibes, as well as being objectively “cool”, thus adding interest as well as putting Kachujin in the protagonist seat.

These rigs are both, I assume, Advanced Skeleton, which gives me a lot of flexibility in movement, but unfortunately both lack controls on their hair and accessories, as I’d mentioned earlier. Kachujin herself has no facial rig.

I could rig the accessories myself, but I am nervous about doing so, as the skeletons are already so complicated.

Conclusion: my outlook is hesitant. Also, I expect this shot to take a decent amount of time, as it involves two characters, is required to be realistic, and runs for a full ten seconds. This may be a challenge.

Cartoon Cowboy [Final]

It took me nearly a month to finish the original cartoon cowboy shot, which was the first I’d attempted to do of my FMP, and when it was done, it looked so bad I nearly lost all motivation to continue the work. Up until this past week, during which I’ve been traveling internationally, I’ve deliberately put off revisiting the cowboy shot, as it depressed me so to see myself fail at a walk cycle. But, in between packing bags, it was the perfect project to break up the leftover time, as the pre-built set and tracked shot required no new planning, only extensive animation repair.

As I mentioned previously, I found that starting over was the most efficient option. That choice turned out to be enormously beneficial, and to my relief, I found that I could whip out a walk cycle no sweat in just a few days, as I should expect at my current skill level. I worked closely with the reference to match the timing perfectly and avoid at all costs the “drunk walk” and weird robotic horse of before.

Of course, once the reference is copied correctly, stylization is the easy part. I chose to give Sheriff Amy the bounciest possible hat, a confident march, and a goofy, stretchy bounce in her step. As with Dana- both rigs, may I mention, are by the same creator, Gabriel Salas, and are the best $15 I ever spent- my favorite bit to animate was her hair. The floaty hair gives the final touch to the weight of her walk. I did find myself wishing that her hips/waist stretched as well, to give a nice jelly-like overlapping squash along with the chest stretch.

George, the horse, was a bit more difficult. Though human walk cycles are old (floppy) hat, George is now only the second horse I’ve ever animated, and of course the first was done rather poorly. That being said, this minimal experience gave me the skill I need for smooth sailing on the horsey sea. With the reference at the ready, I focused my efforts on an up-down motion of the shoulders then haunches, in which the hips raise in each passing hoof pose, thus creating an effect of the front of the horse then rear of the horse raising one after the other.

Pleased with the effect, my main goal after discovering this strategy was to smooth out the hoof movements while keeping the weight realistic, and to exaggerate the upward motion of the hips enough to match Sheriff Amy’s bounce while preventing the horse from appearing too unruly. That took some adjustment. The last step was my favorite, of course, the hair.

Once again, the hair drives home the animation of the character itself.

This is not a showstopper piece like the tiger shot or Dana, but it’s achieved what I’d intended, a finished walk cycle for the cartoon cowboy that looks passably decent and fits consistently into the aptitude of my other FMP work while providing a stark contrast between its realistic counterpart. If I could change anything, I’d say that the horse looks worse than Amy. He still looks good, but it’s clear that I’ve only just figured out how to animate a horse, whereas with humans I’m comfortable enough to play around with stylization.

Cowboy [Cartoon] Updates

With my flight back home leaving tomorrow, I’ve had little time to work on my FMP since finishing my internship. But with packing, sharing goodbyes, and obtaining the necessary documents done, I decided to fill some extra hours by getting back into that cowboy shot that had frustrated me so much for nearly a month back in July.

I at first attempted to incrementally save vast changes to the animation, but after half a day, decided definitively that the problems lie in the very baseline timing and posing and I simply must start again, this time with a better reference, a better rig, better blocking.

Amy wears the sheriff badge- a relative of Dana. I’m a huge fan of these rigs. And I’m getting acquainted with Gorgeous George, having felt the last horse to be lifeless and difficult.

Though the deadline draws ever nearer, I am confident in this decision. I do not believe I could have achieved a satisfactory result with my original characters and animation. In a span of just two hours, I’ve blocked out a new animation with a new reference, and as my tiger shot took only four days, I believe I can eat that lost time by working harder and smarter on the cowboy shot for a better result.

Tiger Final Render

It’s unbelievable to me that I started and finished this in only four days and it’s hands down the best work on not only my FMP but also my showreel…. I feel giddy!!

Again, the wildest thing is how a year ago it took me four weeks to try and fail at a walk cycle, completely new to the software, fumbling around in the darkness.

I can’t come up with a critical analysis of this right now because there’s literally nothing I would change, I’m proud of all of it. I guess if I translate this to analysis, I can say again that I am most proud of my ability to demonstrate the character’s weight and force in each punch as well as deliberately timing the kicks and moment the punching bag hits him. Rigging and creating the bag itself gave me the opportunity to demonstrate weight, arcs, and timing. Between the punching bag and the tiger, there’s a satisfying juxtaposition between heavy and light weighting. It’s really all just good, good stuff. I’ve gotta celebrate this.

Next step is to create the realistic version of this- probably just a loosely related version with the samurai- and then I’ll theoretically be done with my FMP and ready to collect research data, in the final steps of my thesis…. however, what I really should do is go back and make that first cartoon cowboy shot look less abysmal. I’m dreading that because I’m so frustrated with how bad my work is there, but I know for a fact I can do well. I just did this week.